Warlock 2 Review
It was sometime around the 13th straight hour of playing Warlock 2 that I realized I probably should have been asleep a few hundred turns ago. Despite that realization, I couldn’t quit playing. Warlock 2 is a classic 4X strategy game that focuses a bit more on the combat and exploration side of things, and it works stunningly well for the most part. Warlock 2 starts with a novel premise–warfare split across multiple dimensions–and executes that vision with an inspired artistic flair, some unorthodox design choices, and a haunting, emergent narrative.
Before each match in Warlock, you pick your “great mage,” a grand and nigh omnipotent leader to help guide your forces and vie for power with others of your kind. You research world-rending spells, gather your forces, and wage war on a transdimensional stage. Play, for the most part, revolves around slowly making your way across different planes of existence. These are radically different dimensions, with some being pits of demons and hellfire and others so imbued with the energy of life that simply being there heals your soldiers over time. Strange dimensions were a big feature in the first Warlock game as well, but this ti…
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